About Cullie

Your Photos + Our Editors

Cullie is really all about people. We need people to help us capture our memories. We don’t need more software or algorithms to deal with our photos. We need people who are professionals, who have a great eye, and who have amazing experience to help manage our photos and bring out the best.

Our Co-founders have always looked for ways to help people be more present, have fewer distractions, and focus on what matters. Our Team wants to create solutions that make people’s lives richer and help people feel more connected to their loved ones.

Messy grouped images
Image of the founders of Cullie

About the Co-Founders

Leslie Pierson & Cameron Glass

Leslie Pierson recruited Cameron Glass in 2012 to work on a wearable tech venture called MEMI (a start-up focused on smart jewelry). Their careers went in different directions after the highs and lows of running MEMI for several years, but they always stayed in touch and shared ideas.

Leslie & Cameron are excited to work together again and to bring people joy in their everyday lives!